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04/03/20242024/2025 Secondary One Discretionary Places Interviews successfully completed o...
16/02/2024The Interview Notifications of S1 Discretionary Places
19/12/2023Application for 2024/2025 S1 Discretionary Places
30/11/2023S1 Admission Seminar 9.12.2023 (Sat)
09/11/2023Application for 2024/2025 S1 Discretionary Places / S1 Seminar cum School Visit...
24/10/2023Students have won the Gold Award at “Youth Impact Award 2022-2023”
19/07/2023第十二屆中學文憑試 疫下攜手奮進 師生共證成果
13/07/2023二十周年校慶總結活動 - 綜藝表演暨畢業典禮 .主禮嘉賓教育局常任秘書長李美嫦太平紳士致辭全文
26/06/2023Photos and video clips about the exchange event with our sister school - Kaiping...
05/03/20232023/2024 Secondary One Discretionary Places Interviews successfully completed o...