Joyful Pavilion

Joyful Pavilion

"Joyful Pavilion" was named by Principal Chan Yuk Yin, who personally wrote the plaque. Its name was taken from the phrase "happiness leads to forgetfulness of worry" in "The Analects of Confucius". It is hoped that teachers and students can find comfort and tranquility in the "Joyful Pavilion".


As you enter the "Joyful Pavilion", you are greeted by a lush green lawn and various decorative items such as rocks, camphor wood stools, flowers, railings, and more. By creating a natural atmosphere, it is hoped that people can rediscover themselves in the most primitive environment.

Students sit on the green lawn, relax their bodies and minds, and temporarily forget about the busy trivialities of life, achieving a state of "happiness that leads to forgetfulness of worry". A small Hawaiian ukulele is placed beside the lawn, and students can play it in their spare time. They can also use the singing bowl on the rack for mindfulness activities. Through the words of famous quotes, the rhythm of music, and the calmness of mindfulness, it is hoped that there can be more relaxation and less worry.